Fargo through HID is well-known for its high-quality, reliable, and simple-to-use ID card printers designed to scale for many printing needs ranging from simple low-volume ID issuance to the routine issue of high-definition, secure ID cards. We offer Fargo identification card printers in single-sided and duplex models that are available with direct-to-card as well as retransfer and rewrite printing techniques. The majority of Fargo card printers can be configured and come with an easy upgrade route for lamination, card encryption options as well as advanced security features, and many more.

Fargo Card Printer Suppliers UAE
It is well known that direct-to-card printers leave white borders around the edges of cards (Fargo C50, Fargo DTC1250e, Fargo DTC1500, Fargo DTC4250e, Fargo DTC4500e, and Fargo DTC5500).
Printers that retransfer (Fargo HDP5000 and Fargo HDP6600) Fargo HDP5600, and Fargo HDP6600) On the other hand, print “over-the-edge” prints that take up the entire surfaces of cards. Direct-to-card printers can print directly onto the card’s surface. Any irregular surface on cards, including coming into contact with the edges of the card could cause costly damage to the printhead. Retransfer printers like the Fargo HDP5000 print your card’s image onto an opaque film (retransfer or HDP film) which is then bonded onto the surface of your card. This way it is not possible for the printhead to be in direct contact with your card, which allows you to print across the edges of your cards, and also to a greater range of card surfaces, including Smart cards and proximity cards keys, and pre-punched cards. Another